5 tips that can be useful in making your partnership business work

Never choose a 50:50 split: A very common clause in business partnerships is a 50:50 split of profits among the partners. Even though this equal split is decided upon to avoid conflict between partners, it is advised against. According to Numerology, business partners should not opt for a 50:50 split as it causes a lot of disruptions and issues between partners. The profit share can be anything except 50%.

4 & 4, 8 & 8 individuals should never begin a partnership: Two individuals, both belonging to either Number 4 or number 8 should not begin a partnership. Number 4 is ruled by Rahu or Dragon’s Head and is known to cause a lot of sudden ups and downs for the venture as well as its partners. Similarly Number 8 is ruled by Saturn, a planet that brings immense struggle and delays for the native. Therefore, even though two people belonging to numbers 4 or 8 may share good compatibility, they must not go forward with a business partnership.

A partnership between 3, 6 & 9 could be the best: Numbers 3, 6 and 9 belong to the same family of numbers. Thus, a partnership between individuals belonging to this combination of numbers could be the best among all. Number 3 is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of wealth, Number 6 is ruled by Venus and Number 9 is ruled by Mars. Together they make a very successful combination of numbers. The partnership business having partners with such a combination is likely to do very well.

A partnership between 1 & 3 can work if they have separate work areas: Number 1 is ruled by The Sun and Number 3 by Jupiter which makes both these numbers very strong. Even though this is a very good combination for a fruitful partnership, it can work only if both the partners are in charge of different departments. Individuals belonging to both these numbers are egoistic and temperamental which makes it difficult for them to work together without frequent arguments.

Best partnership combinations 1 & 4, 3 & 6, 3 & 9, 3 & 3: Number 1 and 4 belong to the same family of numbers and hence share excellent rapport. Number 1 individuals are strong, ambitious and positive while number 4 people have an unconventional way of thinking. A partnership between them can be a fruitful one. A very good example of a successful partnership between 1 & 4 individuals is the business alliance that founded Twitter. Jack Dorsey (1), Evan Williams (4) and Biz Stone (1) together founded one of the biggest social networking sites. Similarly, as mentioned above 3, 6 & 9 are of the same family. Therefore, partnership combinations such as 3 & 6, 3 & 9, 3 & 3 can be very successful.

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